Herbs for Cardiometabolic Health


Current Courses Available


Rebuilding Earth: Foundational Strategies to Restore Gut Health

In this module, we will describe Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy in understanding gut health.

Tonics, Adaptogens, and Adrenal Modulators

In this module, we will describe the differences of tonics, adaptogens, and adrenal modulators and how to identify their need in patients.

Keeping Your Head About You: What Does the Brain Need?

In this module, we will describe the basic physiology of the brain, understand the key mechanisms of BDNF, and learn how nutrition can play a role in brain health.

Don’t Lose Your Mind: What Damages The Brain

In this module, we will describe several physiological mechanisms of the brain involved in cognitive decline, known causes of cognition pathology, and explain how nutrition and herbal support can potentially mitigate some of this damage.

Mold and Microbes: The #1 Cause of Cognitive Decline

In this module, we will discuss the main cause of cognition issues — biotoxin illness, how to recognize it in patients, and how to screen patients for Chronic Inflammatory Responses Syndrome.

Introduction to Herbal Support

This modules aims to define herbal support and understand its current role and relevance in an integrative model of health care. Also, this module will create context and provide a solid theoretical framework for understanding basic herbal terminology and how to apply herbal Materia Medica towards clinically relevant treatment protocols.

Phytochemistry: Plant Constituents & Pharmacology

This module aims to provide an understanding of the major classifications of plant constituents, their basic molecular structure, known pharmacology, and relevance in regards to the use of herbs in a clinical setting. This module also serves to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of using a whole plant vs. isolated constituent extract, and understand the concept of synergy in relation to a plant’s constituent profile. Additionally, this module creates an understanding of how a plant’s primary active constituent(s) will contribute towards its pharmacology, mechanism of action and potential therapeutic applications. Lastly, this module gives examples of herbs that are rich in a given constituent, and their relevance in a clinical setting.

Herbal Pharmacy & Posology

This module aims to provide an understanding of the difference in preparation as well advantages and disadvantages of various forms of internal and external herbal preparations, which solvents are best utilized to extract a plant’s active constituents, and when you may choose to employ one over another, and how the form of herbal pharmacy administered may change the medicinal properties of a given herb. After completing the module, individuals will be able to establish the therapeutic dose for a given herb and understand how to establish dose equivalents (e.g convert milligrams to milliliters), and interpret herbal product labels as well as understand how to apply dosing strategies with herbs to achieve optimum therapeutic benefit.

Herbal Selection Criteria & Formulation Principles: Making Sound Herbal Choices

This module is designed for registrants to demonstrate step-wise and strategic thinking with herbal protocols and in the development of custom herbal formulations for a variety of clinical scenarios. After completing this module, registrants should also be able to outline criteria for choosing the best herbs, method of administration, and dosing strategy for a patient. Additionally, this module will discuss key differences between herbal normalizers and effectors, and when/how either is best applied depending on the clinical presentation. Lastly, this module outlines criteria for building custom herbal formulas from liquid extracts and develops strong rationale behind clinical herbal protocols.

Digestive Health & Herbal Support

This module is designed to discuss relevant herbal Materia Medica with therapeutic activity upon the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, gut microbiome, and gut-brain axis. After completing this module, registrants should be able to differentiate between the major herbal actions and constituents with clinical effects upon the digestive system, understand the pharmacology and primary medicinal indications for a selection of herbs related to the digestive system, and understand how to make ideal herbal choices, dosing, and formulations for common digestive complaints.

Nervous System Health & Herbal Support

This module is designed to discuss relevant herbal Materia Medica with therapeutic activity upon the central, peripheral and enteric nervous systems, as well as key neurotransmitters and neurotransmission. Upon completion, registrants should be able to differentiate between major herbal actions & constituents, understand clinical scenarios for which each might be most indicated, discuss the pharmacology and primary medicinal indications for a selection of herbs, and understand how to make ideal herbal choices, dosing and formulations for common nervous system complaints.

Endocrine Health & Herbal Support

This module is designed to discuss relevant herbal Materia Medica with therapeutic activity upon the endocrine system (e.g. adrenals, gonads, thyroid and other hormone-sensitive tissues). Upon completion, registrants should be able to differentiate between major herbal actions & constituents with effects upon the endocrine system, and understand for which each might be most indicated, discuss the pharmacology and primary medicinal indications for a selection of herbs used to treat common, clinical presentations related to the endocrine system and understand how to make ideal herbal choices, dosing & formulations for common endocrine related complaints.

Inflammation & Herbal Support

This module is designed to discuss basic theory and principles of using a functional perspective towards resolving inflammation using herbs. Upon completion, registrants should be able to discuss the pharmacology and mechanism of action of major herbal constituents with anti-inflammatory effects, discuss the primary medicinal indications for a selection of herbs used to treat common clinical presentations related to both chronic & acute inflammation and understand how to make ideal herbal choices, dosing and formulations for common complaints related to local and/or systemic inflammatory processes.

Immunology & Herbal Support

This module is designed to discuss the basic theory and principles for supporting innate, adaptive and autoimmunity using herbal medicine. Upon completion, registrants should be able to distinguish between herbal actions such as lymphatics, antimicrobials, immune stimulants, immunomodulators, diaphoretics, antipyretics, give their general effects within the body and understand when each would be most indicated while understanding how to make ideal herbal choices to support optimal immune system activity.

Musculoskeletal Health & Herbal Support

This module is designed to discuss relevant herbal Materia Medica with therapeutic activity upon the musculoskeletal system. Upon completion, registrants should be able to differentiate between major herbal actions and constituents (e.g. flavonoids & other polyphenolics) with therapeutic effects upon the musculoskeletal system and understand for which each might be most indicated, discuss the pharmacology and primary medicinal indications for a selection of herbs used to treat common, clinical presentations related to the musculoskeletal system, and understand how to make ideal herbal choices, dosing and formulations for common musculoskeletal related complaints.

Fundamentals of Functional Nutrition 1: Overview

This module includes an introduction to nutrigenomics, epigenetics, and a detailed review of macronutrients.

Fundamentals of Functional Nutrition 2: Minerals and Vitamins

This module provides an introduction to minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients.

Phytonutrients & the Functional Nutrition Operating System (FNOS)

This module discusses implementing the fundamentals of functional nutrition in a systematic manner within a health care environment.

Energy - Mitochondria Metabolism

This course provides insight in the Mitochondria Metabolism. You will learn how nutrition plays a vital role in the multidisciplinary management of mitochondrial and metabolic diseases. Insight into the pathophysiology and biochemistry of mitochondria dysfunction occurs is discussed. You will gain insight into how Functional nutritional therapy addresses various mitochondrial imbalances and how an evidence-based approach to altering macronutrient percentage and meal timing can facilitate metabolic flexibility and enhance mitochondrial biogenesis.

Defend and Repair - Immune Health - Inflammation

This modules includes a review of the Immune System, highlights the various immune triggers of a pro-inflammatory state, concepts of Intestinal Hyperpermeability and targets for Immunomodulatory Activity, as well as a discussion on Functional Nutrition strategies for Immune Support.

Biotransformation - Detoxification & Elimination

This course reviews the concepts of Detoxification, Phase 1 Biotransformation, Phase II Conjugation and Elimination. Topics include the various environmental and dietary exposures that negatively effect human health, the specific targets of phytonutrients that are essential to detoxification processes, and the fundamentals of a detox food plan. Learners will explore the role of functional nutrition plays in daily detoxification

Gastrointestinal Function - Digestion Assimilation Absorption

In this module you will review the various imbalances of the gastrointestinal system as well as the pathophysiology associated with the most common GI conditions. This module contains a robust discussion of clinical tests used to identify potential GI imbalances. Further insight into Functional Nutrition protocols for GI imbalances and the associated foodplans for GI conditions is presented.

Physical Performance and Recovery

This module provides learners with an overview of evidence based nutrition strategies for exercise recovery and review of the fundamentals of sports nutrition to optimize physical and sports performance and recovery. Included in this lesson are topics on nutrition personalization, food timing principals, and functional nutrition protocols to support muscle tissue repair.

Communication - HPATG Axis

In this course you will review the physiology of stress, cortisol/DHEA balance as well as look at the production, transport, sensitivity and distribution dynamics of hormones. Steroidogenic pathways and enzymes and the most common hormonal imbalances of women and men are included. Nutrition requirements for proper adrenal function are reviewed. Lastly, a look at how a Functional Nutrition Foodplan supports various endocrine abnormalities is presented.

Practitioner Implementation Strategies - Psychology of Eating

Introductory topics of this course include the emotional, mental and spiritual components to eating. Included is a discussion of the concepts behind food addiction, barriers to healing, nutrition dysfunctions, and the impact of cultural differences. This module also presents concepts related to eating challenges for children and considerations for vegan/vegetarians. The last topics of this series provide realistic and practical implementation tactics for optimal patient compliance.

Microbiome Overview

This module focuses on defining the microbiome, identifying the microbes that reside in our body, the association and correlation between the microbiome and digestive and non-digestive conditions and how to rebalance the microbiome to promote health.

Gut Brain Axis and Its Influence on Well Being

This module focuses on how the gut and brain communicate in a two-way system and how that influences and impacts our well-being both positively and negatively.

Microbiome and Inflammation

This module describes the relationship between inflammation and the microbiome, discussing which conditions are affected, the underlying mechanisms, and how to reduce inflammation.

Defining Neuroinflammation – Causes, Consequences, and Conditions

This module provides insight into the role of neuroinflammation in chronic conditions.

Magnesium and Neuroinflammation

This module provides the clinical application of how to assess, diagnose, and offer therapeutic interventions with diet, nutrient (specifically magnesium), and lifestyle modifications.

Diagnostics and Treatments for Neuroinflammation

This module includes the concept and clinical approach to managing neuroinflammation.

Intro to Sports Nutrition

In this course, learners will be able to define Sports Nutrition and understand its role and relevance in athlete care. Topics include the principles of sports training, the phases of recovery from injury, a framework for understanding basic athlete recovery from injury and the process of rehabilitation, and lastly the key nutrients/supplements that aid in recovery from injury.

RESILIENCY: Keeping Athletes in the Game with Nutrition

This course provides understanding of the importance of recovery after practices and competition. Topics include identifying common injuries to athletes, key nutritional aspects to help maximize recovery, and managing post-exercise inflammation with nutrition. Lastly, this course provides a review of nutrients important in recovery from injury as well as a discussion on the underlying nutrient deficiencies that may lead to increased risk of specific injuries.

How to Maintain GRIT in Sports through Nutrition

This course will introduce learners to the role of nutrition in athletic competition and basic nutrient strategies to maximize athlete performance for endurance-based sports and resistance/strength-based sports. Key nutrients that support endurance and strength-based athletes are included. A discussion on the mental aspect of athlete performance and the important role that nutrition plays in supporting an athlete’s mental health is also covered in depth.

Foundational Nutrition Support for Athletes

This course provides learners with a deeper understanding of the three different energy systems used during exercise. Insight into the key nutrients utilized in the metabolic energy systems used during exercise as well as the common nutrient deficiencies that may be seen in athletes is covered. A deeper discussion includes the common nutrient deficiencies that may be seen in athletes.

Athletes and Special Diets

This course provides insight into the differences between common specialized diets used by athletes. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to give examples of food choices that contain nutrients that are found less abundantly in special diets and understand what to look for in a plant-based protein source to recommend for athletes.

The Female Athlete

This module provides learners with a better understanding of the Female Athlete Triad and the Relative Energy Deficiency Syndrome (RED-S). The signs and symptoms of relative energy deficiency syndrome are covered in this presentation. Also, learners will be able to identify specific micronutrients likely to be low in diets of active females as well as understand health issues that arise from low energy intake in females.

Complete at your own pace

You can complete these courses at your own pace. This learning platform keeps track of your progress should you need to complete over multiple sessions. After registering, you will search for, and launch your courses at this link: spuniversity.csod.com

The learning platform in use monitors and reports your course attempts and keeps track of the total time you have the course open on your computer or mobile device. It can take up to a week for your courses to post to your CE transcript.

To receive credits you must:

  • Engage with this course module open for a minimum of 60 minutes.
  • Achieve a 90% or greater on the Final Assessment

More Information

There are various course approvals for ND, DC, LAc, CNS, ACBN, BCHN, NTP and California RN but please refer to this chart for information on specific approvals.

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License Renewal

While applications relating to credit hours for license renewal in selected states have been executed for these programs, it remains attendees’ responsibility to contact the state board(s) or organizations from whom they seek continuing education credits for purposes of ensuring said board(s) or organization approves both venue and content as they relate to any seminar/course/lecture/webinar/online presentation (event). Neither a speaker’s or exhibitor’s presence at said event, nor product mention or display, shall in any way constitute NCHS endorsement. NCHS’s role is strictly limited to processing, submitting, and archiving program documents on behalf of course sponsors.


The following states do not allow online CEUs: Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Wisconsin. At this time, online CEUs are not able to be processed for Florida.

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